Thanks. I guess I'd seen that before but forgotten about it. It's
definitely a better choice than without the adapter. But I've gone more
than 50 years of photography without a 58/1.2. I think my 50/1.4 is
probably adequate but I almost never use it. Maybe I should just sell
the 58/1.2 to someone who thinks they need it.
Chuck Norcutt
On 5/2/2013 7:51 PM, usher99@xxxxxxx wrote:
> A very nifty 50. I have always wanted to try one despite having more
> 50's than I can shake a stick at. One can non-destructively convert
> with a Leitax kit but IIRC still requires the
> shaving the rear element retaining ring---does not render the lens
> non-functional on Minolta by any means.
> Don't lose any pieces though. Nice rendering/color/bokeh. One version
> (?ver3) may have a slightly better coating, though have not read
> anything about that recently and would independently confirm or refute
> that.
> Beaucoup bokeh fan Mike
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