Tell us what you really think...
On 08/04/2013, Donald <d1956m198d@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On 08/04/2013 22:35, Ken Norton wrote:
>> Not judging, only asking: Is it possibly that the "community" in
>> question would have died eventually anyway?
> Forgive me, Ken, but a fairly typical American perspective. You fall at
> the first hurdle by placing parentheses around the word community. Many
> of the communities destroyed by the Bitch were older than your Republic,
> and had multiple, viable industries.
> She shifted the money from bottom to top. She deregulated so that her
> banker buddies could scoop up the bones and flesh and get fat on them.
> She gave succour to dictators and mass murderers all over the globe.
> She took the infrastructure of 150 years of public investment and sold
> it at pennies on the pound. In the course of all this she blighted
> millions of lives. Funded by opening the doors of the City of London to
> every spiv from Leningrad to Bogota.
> And she funded her destruction of collective bargaining with the
> birthright of the people, their mineral wealth.
> She made this one of the most divided and unequal societies in the
> world. That is some legacy.
> I hear they're cremating her. I want proof. I hate the cow that much.
> D.
> --
> --
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