On Tue, Feb 26, 2013 at 10:02 PM, Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> The Canon implementation of live view, perforce, as a DSLR primarily using
> phase detect AF, is significantly clunkier
> than the Pens and E-M5, and, I assume, other ILCs.
> You can choose quick focus, where the mirror goes down, PDAF does its
> thing, then the mirror goes back up. Maybe some
> shutter action, too. Or there's CDAF using the sensor, which is quite
> accurate, but quite slooow.
> ILC usage is simply transparent, since it's ALL live view, whether through
> an EVF or on the back screen. I've used both
> extensively in the field, and the E-M5 is far, far more convenient.
> I've not used a 5DII or III. I assume that, as with the 60D, LV is really
> tripod only. If you've got a little time for
> tripod work, it's certainly very capable. Ironically*, it has an
> electronic 'first curtain', so won't have shutter shock
> vibration - on a big heavy body where it probably wouldn't be noticeable.
I think you and most others had decided well before the E-M5 that the 5D
with legacy lenses was a non-starter. I don't disagree in the sense that I
recognize fully that it isn't as convenient or fast. I do have my E system
stuff for that. I just enjoy shooting my old film lenses from time to time
and find it no worse an experience using the 5D to do it than OM bodies.
That being the case, I was almost at the point of recommending the 5D over
the mkII. The 5D's LCD is primitive by today's standards, but with legacy
lenses it is still useful and it doesn't tend to take over the act of
shooting. I find I settle in to the business of living behind the VF and
shooting with a glance at a histogram now and then. With the 5D I don't
constantly compare the experience of shooting with my best digital options.
There really is no comparison. I think it would be a mistake to get a
digital OM body thinking it will do it all. I think one would be
disappointed with that decision in a hurry.
Joel W.
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