You'd probably not appreciate the inverted flying then...
On 22 February 2013 18:12, Chris Barker <ftog@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> That sounds a bit like schoolboy errors, Chris.
> I tend not to see many films, but especially not ones about flying. I'm
> almost bound to find fault since I can't switch off . . .
> Chris
> On 22 Feb 2013, at 14:18, Chris Trask <christrask@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > I very rarely find fault with the photography in movies, but this
> one is an exception. I finally went to see "Flight" the other day. Good
> story, good acting, and some interesting aerobatics with a DC-9.
> >
> > But there were places where the photography was awful. At one
> point, the focus of the camera shifted rapidly from the actor's face to
> some point immediately behind him, then in front, the behind, then back to
> where it should have been all along. It wasn't the fault of the
> projectionist, but instead it was the cameraman, and the editing room
> should have caught that.
> >
> > The worst photography had to do with two scenes that were filmed
> with two of the actors sitting on a porch. The entire porch is in shadow,
> so everything there is in diminished lighting so that details are not
> readily discernible. At the same time, the background outside of the porch
> and in full daylight is terribly washed out. A little bit of supplemental
> lighting on the porch would have corrected that, and whoever was
> responsible for that omission should be kept away from making movies
> entirely.
> --
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