The reason I asked is that you wrote that you used medium jpegs to save space
(I think). And the superfine and RAW "Large" files aren't small at 11 and 17Mb
respectively (thanks, Chuck). But if you want the best results from your shiny
machine I suggest that you need to go for the largest and finest, if you are
going to use jpegs. If disk space is short you can always do a bit of
weeding, as it were. I'm a bit of a hoarder, when it comes to image files --
just in case I find a decent one later :-) -- but I go through the library
every so often and get rid of ones that I haven't used since taking the shots.
On 12 Feb 2013, at 18:50, "Walters, Martin" <Martin.Walters@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Chris:
> To add a little bit: Large (pixels as mentioned earlier) with fine
> compression (one notch down from the least - "super-fine"). I think I have
> the noise reduction set to "off" and the noise filter set to "low". Could be
> wrong, however.
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: