Thanks to all who looked especially those who commented,
> the day you change your mind about ownership, I'm an hour and a half's
> drive from you - wonderful !!!
I Will bear it in mind but I think I would find it hard to persuade my
wife and children that he should go, besides I have just bought a dog
whistle which I have hardluy used ;-)
> Rösti !!!!!
> Makes me think I miss the Northern part of your country so much ...
> I love your kid in the OoF area a lot too !
The child with the roesti is my youngest - note the iphone (yes it could
have been some other smartphone as well ) which allows us to eat in
relative peace.
> The KISS principle to its utmost - LOVE it!
For this I notice dthe low eveing light made a lemon look rather
pleasant so I tried that and then experimented with an apple and bananas.
> Your dog is quite adorable. The tonality seems a bit flat, but that's not
> too bad for the subject, so I figure it must be intentional. Makes it
> seems a bit stylized (nothing wrong with that).
It was intentional I wanted to emphasise the "doggy" look in his eyes
and this seemed to do it best, I find it very difficult to get the
exposure right when photographing him.
> I think my favorite is the last one. I love those studies in light, like
> Nathan's shadow studies in his last PAW. Seems like photography exists for
> such things.
This again was difficult light but I wanted the windows dark without
loosing what I thought was the main focus the doll on the swing
> I love 'em all. What's the bottom layer of lunch? Potatoes?
yes the bottom is diced and fried potatoes perfect for when sledging or
skiing <> similar to hash browns
> I liked it too but I liked it even better when all I could see was the
> window and wall. It got busier as I scrolled down and saw the ground.
> Still a good shot but without the architectural simplicity of just the
> window and wall.
refer to comment above I was intending the doll on the swing to be main
subject as I have rather a lot of window pictures but its noted and
maybe I try a more severe crop.
> Reminds me of a time in the late 1970s when I used to visit Zurich
> occasionally. There was a restaurant (Augustiner?) in Augustinergasse (off
> Bahnhoffestrasse) that used to serve that dish as Farmer Rosti, but using
> ham instead of bacon but with no fruit. My arteries are paying for such
> excesses these days.
> I tried to revisit using Google Street View but that seems to have been
> banned from central Zurich.
> John
I rarely go to Zurich but I will try and see if I can do a few street
shots of the restaurant if I can find it.
Thanks again
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: