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Re: [OM] Another gadget obsoleted.

Subject: Re: [OM] Another gadget obsoleted.
From: "Piers Hemy" <piers@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 4 Jan 2013 10:59:46 -0000
Think again, Chris.  It turns out that Apple can 'interpret' standards
somewhat flexibly.

See here:  http://www.ladyada.net/make/mintyboost/icharge.html


-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Barker [mailto:ftog@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: 04 January 2013 08:59
To: Olympus Camera Discussion
Subject: Re: [OM] Another gadget obsoleted.

That's not true, Ken.  A current is a current from a USB port and I can
charge my iPhone from any computer.  But iPads need more than just a USB
port in a computer to charge at any decent rate.


On 4 Jan 2013, at 02:00, Ken Norton <ken@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

>> It's probably OK for phones but if you're trying to charge an Android 
>> tablet what works for an iPad may not work for an Android tablet 
>> despite what the specs say.
> Usually the problem is the other way around where the Apple devices 
> won't charge on anything but Apple specific devices. That's why the 
> iPads won't generally charge in the USB ports of most computers, but 
> will in the Apple computers.

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