Wow, I stop back here to see what's happening and the first digest I
receive I get a flashback to my teens and 20s spent in CAP.
I'm sure much has changed since then, but the 150 Mhz sounds familiar.
Generally, CAP uses some Air Force frequencies. The radio equipment was AF
surplus gear. You can imagine the size of the gear when, back in 1969 it was
already surplus and given to CAP. We had a communications van the same size
as in Jim's photo, but the entire width across the middle behind the seats,
floor-to-ceiling and down one entire side of the van was solid radios.
Every CAP vehicle with a radio had that same length antenna and a few more.
For long-range communications we were in the 4400 Mhz area. I believe NATO
uses some similar frequencies now. Each state in the nation had a
half-hour each night designated for a state-wide roll call and messages to be
disseminated. New Jersey was 7PM. I handled that for my squadron and group from
my home. My local fire dept's ladder truck assisted me in installing a 100
foot dipole antenna over the top of my house, which was the tallest home
around on a high (high for NJ) ridge. I guess several states were given the
same 7PM time slot but were far enough away from each other to not
interfere. Still, on clear winter nights sometimes I would pull in Maine,
California and Hawaii.
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: