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Re: [OM] E-M5 question

Subject: Re: [OM] E-M5 question
From: Ken Norton <ken@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 8 Nov 2012 20:35:26 -0600
I ask the question "why?" in regards to this recommendation. I came up with
a few theories and then put those theories to the test. The blanket
statement about tripod usage seemed a bit crazy to me because that would
mean that any photograph taken where the camera isn't in motion at the
moment of exposure would be negatively affected by the IS. Heaven forbid
that you have a firm and stable grasp of the camera!

So, I have tested my theories with several different cameras and systems
and am pretty satisfied to leave it on unless I'm doing a time exposure.
But the manufactures have a pretty hard time writing about this nuance, so
they just make a blanket statement.

YMMV, so do your own stinkin tests.  ;)


Ken Norton
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