Read the book after my wife did and thought it was excellent. Seems young adult
novels sometimes are better than their adult counterparts, maybe because of the
infrequency of gratuitous nastiness. But I still can't figure out any reason
except greed that the last two books of the trilogy haven't come out in
paperback yet. I won't buy the hardbacks.
On Oct 15, 2012, at 6:28 PM, Ken Norton wrote:
>> Ah! That's the movie I keep trying to remember to watch and always forget.
>> Thanks!
> My favorite quote: "Queue the Cannon."
> Having a couple of teenage daughters, I'm probably a little more tuned
> into this movie than the typical middle-aged guy, but I did find it to
> be quite satisfying. It is VERY well done and the story line is
> strong. As it is a long movie, it takes quite a while to build the
> characters. There are three distinct acts, and the director really
> allowed it to build without using typical trickery to manipulate the
> audience into accepting a turkey just because the special effects are
> bold and loud. Character construction is excellent.
> Among the nanny-state, over-protective people, there's a bunch of
> criticism about the fact that the movie is a blood-and-guts movie and
> there is a sense of glorifying death. I say that it's quite to the
> contrary. The blood-and-guts portions are expected considering what
> the topic really is and I thought those scenes were actually quite
> nicely done. Glorifying death? Hardly. I think the story line shows
> how life is to be valued. The language was also surprisingly clean. No
> repeated strings of F-bombs. No need to. The dialog was strong enough
> without it. Not "perfect" but quite good
> I was in a lot of physical pain while watching it, so for it to hold
> my attention the way it did does say something about it.
> One thing that did bother my daughters, though, which really didn't
> bug me after the first five minutes, was that the camera work was
> heavy into motion. I understand why the director used this technique
> and I concur. They got to see it first in a theater, though.
> Just as with the "MATRIX" trilogy, North by Northwest, Grand Prix and
> Twister, The Hunger Games will get purchased for our own collection.
> It's that good. Well, we have most of the Jackie Chan movies too, so
> my tastes are somewhat unpredictable.
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