No, I had no intention of baiting you at all. But I'm glad you took it
that way and included the link below to the interview with Esselstyn.
From your previous mention of Esselstyn I took him to be another Dean
Ornish who makes the same sort of claims and based on a small sample of
his own patients. AFAIK, Ornish has never allowed any independent
assessment of his detailed patient data and, in particular, mortality data.
After listening to Esselstyn I'm still somewhat skeptical since he
repeats the mantra of many population studies (such as the Japanese and
Europeans during WWII) showing lowered mortality on low animal protein
diets. However these typically fail to recognize the confounding
effects of sugar or, more specifically, the lack thereof in the studied
populations. And, even more specifically, he fails to address the very
confounding data regarding populations which consume almost nothing but
animal protein such as the Masai and Inuit. These populations and
others like them (at least when consuming their traditional diets) also
show remarkably little heart or other disease.
But I'm glad I did listen since I picked up some information on research
on nitric oxide and endothelial cell damage supposedly related to animal
protein. I'd not heard of this research and, if true, wonder how it can
be squared with other population studies (such as those of the Masai and
Inuit) which, while not disputing the lab results directly, would at
least imply their non-relevance to the real world diets of those
So I intend to dig into this research as much as I can to try and
understand the paradoxes presented. Maybe in a few years I'll have
found some answers before I die of the dramatically improved cardiac
health markers** from the past year of my reintroduced low carb diet of
many years ago. :-)
** reduced weight, much higher HDL, much lower LDL and trigycerides and
blood pressure drop from an average of 135/80 last December to about
90/60 this past week. I had to stop the blood pressure meds 2 months
ago or it would be even lower. :-)
Chuck Norcutt
On 7/1/2012 7:30 AM, Brian Swale wrote:
> I'm sure Chuck wrote this just to get a bite from me ... OK, I'll bite
>> Ordinary carbs from grain or potatoes contain glucose only, no fructose.
>> Easier on the body. But I don't eat much in the way of carbs of any
>> sort. It's healthier to eat fat.
> And few days ago he asked how fat was going to get to the body unless it
> came in the bloodstream.
> My response to that is that if you don't eat fat there's no problem.
> Here is Dr Esselstyn talking with Kim Hill on NZ National Radio. If it's what
> I
> think it is, it is the broadcast that induced me to buy his book, and start
> his
> nutrition programme.. I write "if it's what I think it is" because at the
> moment
> the speakers attached to my computer have ceased to talk for me, and until
> I sort that out, it is silent.
> Brian Swale.
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