Resolution is better. The film is held flat and there is no Newtonian glass
in-between the film and the camera. Ergo better, sharper resolution. Plus
no warping of the negative which often happens. Finally, the distance
between the camera and the film is precisely constant on the Imacons
whereas on the other, non-drum scanners, the plastic trays and the way they
are handled introduces significant, IMO, focus aberrations.
On Mon, Jun 18, 2012 at 7:48 AM, C.H.Ling <ch_photo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Agree on the DMax as the Nikon has serious flare problem anyway. But I
> doubt
> the resolution will be much better as not much film/camera system can
> provide more than 4000dpi resolution. To keep the file size smaller I
> usually scan at 3000dpi-16 bit.
> C.H.Ling
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Piers Hemy" <piers@xxxxxxxx>
> > There is no doubt in my mind (having a 4000ED, and having seen the
> results
> > of an Imacon scan) that the Imacon scanners, even the older models, can
> > squeeze much more out of the film image, in resolution and DMax. You
> have,
> > however, put your finger on a key advantage of the higher-end Nikon 35mm
> > scanners, the ability to accept the batch feeders. I don't know if the X5
> > can do batch scanning, my only experience was with the Precision II, but
> > there is an active and helpful user group at
> > It ain't quite the OM list,
> but
> > then what could be?
> >
> > If you don't need batch scanning and do need MF scanning, an older Imacon
> > beats a Nikon 8000/9000 for quality and price.
> >
> > Piers
> --
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