Love the shots, Joel.
You're lucky she's a little pooch... I still have sore spots from our wild
red Siberian crashing her Victorian Collar into me during her post-spay
On Mon, Jun 18, 2012 at 1:02 PM, Joel Wilcox <jfwilcox@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I recently picked up a beautiful Mamiya RB67 Pro-S with two useful "C"
> lenses, the 90 and the 250. A couple test rolls of Portra and Ektar
> await processing, but I was able to soup a roll of Fomapan 100 this
> weekend. Eight minutes in Rodie 1+50. My bottle of Rodinal is
> hilariously old and a retching brown, but as it is all I had, it had to
> do, and it did pretty well. I scanned and put my favorite of the lot on
> my homepage:
> I was happy with the film and exposure for holding the highlights.
> Other than that, I am still working on the amount of shadow detail I
> want. This issue is somewhat an aesthetic one with regard to this
> photo, but it is a larger concern as I figure out what the standard
> profile needs to be for this film/developer combo in Vuescan.
> For anyone familiar with scanning BW in Vuescan, I initially scanned all
> frames selecting "Generic" as the film type, since there is no film type
> available for Fomapan. I had to adjust the curve to bring up the middle
> values quite a bit. With some experimentation I found I liked one of
> the various TMAX 100 profiles a little better from the outset. That's
> fine as far as it goes, but it feels like a pig in a poke to proceed in
> this way. In the end I guess it always is.
> I don't see why there would be any point in scanning in 16bit rather
> than 8bit if doing BW, so I don't see why the option is available, or
> why anyone would scan BW in RGB mode, which is also apparently possible.
> Any comments on this stuff certainly much appreciated.
> Secondly, our dog had a minor surgery about a week ago to remove a
> wart-like mass from her lower eyelid. She has to wear the Cone of
> Scratchlessness for a total of 10 days. Scroll down the page if you
> have the heart. She was pretty doped up in those photos, but acts now
> almost like The Cone is part of her skin. It will apparently be more of
> a relief for us than her when we can remove it permanently.
> Joel W.
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