Very nice take on Pemaquid, indeed. And welcome. It's true we're an Olympus
group, but that's just camouflage. <g>
On Jun 8, 2012, at 1:18 PM, Tina Manley wrote:
> Wonderful! I'm glad you found it.
> Here is my take on Pemaquid Point with the Leica M8:
> By the way, I'm new here. Joined on the advice of my LUG friends who
> are already members. I have no Olympus gear but understand that is
> not a problem.
> Looking forward to conversations about photography!
> Tina
> On Fri, Jun 8, 2012 at 12:02 PM, Bob Whitmire <bwhitmire@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> wrote:
>> Said something the other day, either quoting AG or Chuck, not sure which,
>> about shooting RAW 'cause I'm not good enough to shoot jpeg.
>> Got my G-12 back from the student I'd loaned it to, and found a shot from
>> January. And horrors! It's a jpeg.
>> This is on Facebook, but it's marked for public consumption, so you ought to
>> be able to see it. If not, I have no answers as to why not.
>> --FB Illiterate Bob
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