Craftsman? Yeah, I'll buy that. Better than Ikea, not so good as Thomas Moser.
Fortunately, or not, this is not something I need to do to support my family.
It's something I've been doing to support my equipment habit. Okay, it's bought
some groceries, too, but it's not a living and I never labored under the
delusion that it would be. Photographers around here don't make livings unless
they do weddings and events. Well, there are a few in the genuine artist
category, sometimes self-styled, sometimes not. But I don't like the world they
live in any better than I like the world of a hack.
As to Chuck's point, I wouldn't call it angst. I'm not wringing my hands
desperately trying to find some meaning here. I'm just saying that what I've
been doing no longer seems to satisfy, and I haven't found anything else to
take its place. I have rather enjoyed going back and looking at some older
images, some of them passed over at the time, and trying to really see what's
there other than the obvious.
That's probably where I'm going to spend this year. Not so much pursuing new
material, but rather taking a look at old material in a new way. That and doing
some work for a couple of local folks who want pictures, one of them a
firecracker of an Argentine belly dancer. Looking forward to that. <g>
On Apr 12, 2012, at 6:11 PM, Ken Norton wrote:
> Bob,
> I'm going to challenge your thinking a little here. Feel free to challenge
> back.
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: