By Godfrey, that's fine intelligence work there, mate. Damned fine.
On Apr 5, 2012, at 7:01 AM, Andrew Fildes wrote:
> I was chatting to a respected local dealer this afternoon, for most of the
> afternoon it seems. His store sells rare hi-fi, Leica and just general good
> stuff and he has nice sofas i the saleroom and boxes f stuff everywhere. Made
> his money by being the top pro Canikon dealer for a looong time. We put our
> feet up, someone got coffee from the deli next door, we talked about
> favorites and family and Easter and stuff as we considered the movement of a
> nice, black Alpa 9D from his stock to my collection - he owed me some money
> and now I owe him some.
> I mentioned the Cosina 'theory' and he was unsurprised. Thought it made
> sense. He had the Fuji X-Pro on the counter and a few CosVoigt bodies in the
> cabinet and 30-40 lenses or so and an X-Pan 2 on the table next to him so we
> had the necessary props.
> I don't think I'll print it but I may whisper the idea here and there. Even
> to Fuji Aus tho' they may never talk to me again.
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: