Amazing, Moose: I bet I have the same species of jasmine in my garden,
and I often photograph the buds, which announce spring is coming bit
it's still winter.
The species that grow here are much more pink than red. Different
species, different colors but I think they show more red if they get
more sunlight.
Never did such a macro shot of them, anyway. Somehow, I prefer to
photograph the buds when wet by the rain, and it's always windy ...
Very nice macro shots. I've already shown at the List those I
considered worth showing ... just seen them again, but now I consider
I'd better scan them again from scratch.
On Sat, Feb 25, 2012 at 12:09 AM, Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Yesterday, as I was thinking about ending my hours sitting in the garden
> reading, the low sun illuminated the budding
> Jasmine. The new buds are an amazing, intense red anyway, and the warm light
> just heightened the effect.
> With neither time before the light went nor inclination to fuss with tripods
> and such, I grabbed a camera and took a few
> shots.
> The camera almost captured the color of new buds, and I decided not to try to
> intensify it, as anyone not there would
> probably not believe it.
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: