Do you have third-party cookies disabled? That would go some way to
ruling it out in future...
On 27/01/2012, Chris Trask <christrask@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> > I just did something a bit risky out of desparation. I
> occasionally
>> > delete all temporary files, especially if things bog down as some of
> them
>> > have executable code. This time I deleted all cookies, which I rarely
> if
>> > ever do as those contain your website user names. Lo and behold,
> everything
>> > is working again.
>> >
> <<SNIP>>
>> Interesting. My experience is that anytime my browser, or ant particular
> site,
>> starts suddenly acting in inexplicable ways, it's time to start deleting
>> cookies. Sometimes all at once, sometimes one or a group at a time.
> I've had IE8 slow down due to temporary files running code, but I can't
> recall a problem related to cookies.
>> Not that there undoubtedly aren't folks doing bad things out there out of
>> malice, but I'm pretty sure much more of it is a range of causes, from
> simple
>> incompetence to the unbelievably complex nature of the web and all the
> stuff
>> being used to create and browse it.
>> Isn't it more likely that the 'Bay changed something on their site, as a
> part
>> of routine maintenance or 'improvement' that simply disagreed with an eBay
>> cookie on your machine than that some evil genius screwed it up on
> purpose?
>> Especially when so many others have been unaffected?
> Shortly afterwards I wished that I had moveded the cookies to a dummy
> folder (Cookie Jar), then I could have looked for the culprit as it would be
> isolated. I still have the history of that morning on Firefox, so tomorrow
> I'll go through them one at a time and see if I can duplicate the problem.
> At this point, all I know that the problems were due to a renegade
> cookie that specifically targeted eBay. Using the Clouseau Principal of
> suspecting everyone, I can narrow it down to five online used book sites and
> a few search engines. I seriously doubt that NOAA/NWS would be involved.
> My strongest suspicion is Amazon, as they would have the most to gain.
> Chris
> --
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