If there is no embedded JPEG and no matching JPEG from the camera
already present then there is no alternative but for the software to
convert the raw file in memory so it can be displayed.
FastStone has no magic either. Either the JPEGs already exist as an
embedded file or are already there directly from the camera. If neither
of those is true the software must convert.
BreezeBrowser has an option to extract the embedded JPEGs. I don't see
that in FastStone so it's not as much of a clone as I thought. So, with
FastStone, unless the matching JPEG already exists in the same directory
it would have to convert.
Chuck Norcutt
On 1/27/2012 12:11 PM, Candace wrote:
> Convert? I don't think so, but if I am wrong, please explain.
> They are all listed as .ORF, alongside .JPG (If I shot jpeg and raw
> which I rarely do).
> I could open them directly from fastStone in ACR.
> Faststone doesn't convert them...I don't think?
> Candace
> On 1/27/12 9:41 AM, Chuck Norcutt wrote:
>> It's not taking a long time to load, it's taking a long time to convert.
>> Chuck Norcutt
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