For me, it is my crass ineptitude not to have taken the photo when Madame is
looking relaxed, happy, smiling without a double chin etc . . .
I accept the charge; it can be only my fault, ever.
On 25 Jan 2012, at 06:23, Andrew Fildes wrote:
> Sometimes essential. In one of those blinding ironies, I have a wife who is
> the polar opposite of photogenic. By that I mean that in almost every photo
> ever taken of her by anyone, she looks as if she is severely constipated,
> stiff, strained and/or startled. I don't know how she does it.
> I once took a set of fourteen photos of a family group. Fourteen because I
> knew I'd need to. She looked relaxed and happy in one shot of the fourteen.
> The one where several other group members had sneezed, blinked, been hit by a
> meteorite, whatever.A head transplant was essential. Of course I don't get
> any credit for this, merely abuse for fiddling around all day to get a shot.
> Andrew Fildes
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: