Yes, what Chuck said.
I will often look at the first image in the "set" at 100%, very closely
to see if there is a distracting element that somehow made it into my
images, so I know if I will have that same distraction all the way
through. Say, I didn't notice there was a green half pole in the
background by the shrubbery, and my subjects positioned themselves by
it. I may not notice it in an image that's 1/8th the size of my screen,
but I see it at 100% and I realize that it has a chip in the paint
that's catching the light, and I will need to correct this in any
"keeper image". (probably not the best example, I am tired, but it
serves). If I know I have this one element to monitor in all the images,
I can watch for this while I am also culling for the best pose or smile
or open eyes, etc.
Another very real purpose of this method of review and culling for me,
aside from the obvious which Chuck has mentioned here, is the whole
insect issue. I shoot a lot outdoors, and flying insects can really bug
me. (hee hee). I often find them with this type of review. I can have a
lovely portrait with 5 people in it, but poor mom has a bug flying
between the camera and her, and it appears it's crawling up her lip.
It is also a helpful way to quickly navigate through many images, all
the while comparing them to one image, to try and find just the "right"
head to swap out for Johnny's evil smirk in an otherwise perfect family
portrait of 8 other people.
There are many uses for this type of comparison of images. To be able to
do this quickly is a wonderful thing.
On 1/23/12 6:39 PM, Chuck Norcutt wrote:
> Rarely at 100%. Just large enough that mom can clearly see the eyes are
> open and the smiles are smiling. Since these are likely all shots taken
> in a studio or at least over a fairly short period of time the exposure
> and focus is probably all the same or at least very similar. A
> *simultaneous* view at say, 25%, is probably more than adequate.
> We photogs might like a look at 100% while running through ACR but we're
> not going to shock mom with a pixel view. :-)
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