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Re: [OM] Site of the last self-propelled Zuikofest

Subject: Re: [OM] Site of the last self-propelled Zuikofest
From: NSURIT@xxxxxxx
Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2012 09:44:03 -0500 (EST)
Yes, remember the "one-ply palace", the guide service, the bruise and the  
canoe trip.  Great fun.  OM only. Retro-trip.  Would my OM 2S be  safe?  
I'm really being called to a road trip to see some rock art.  I'm  talking 
petroglyph as opposed to artifacts of road bands. Was very near   the "Great 
Wall" in Utah in September and my traveling companions were less than  
enthusiastic about the opportunity.  These things need to be schedule  around 
school breaks these days, so I may be slipping away in May.
Bill Barber
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