Amen, brother! I believe!
I've been using PWP since v. 3.0. I happened upon it when I first
started scanning film, around the turn of the century (geez, doesn't
that sound long ago?). I saw that PWP did what I needed. PWP's price
was close to that of the stripped-down versions of Photoshop. But PWP
was sort of like a full-bore PhotoShop equivalent designed by a
photographer--rather than by a software engineer who thought he was a
graphic designer. Could I live without layers? Yeah. I bought it, and
I've been happy with it ever since.
I'm sure I'll upgrade. I'll just watch the message board for a few days
or weeks. There are guys there who will find any bugs, which the author
will fix in short order.
> DL-C has released PWP 6.0. I haven't personally upgaded YET, but will
> over the next couple of weeks.
> Taking a cue from Adobe on upgrade pricing.. The upgrade price for 5.x
> users is a whopping USD $44.95. Of course, if you don't already have
> it, the full version is $89.95.
> OK, scratch the Adobe reference. You'd have to slide the decimal point
> over one digit to the right.
> PWP isn't for everybody. If you are married to the layers approach to
> life, you'll find the program rather disagreeable. But for those who
> work more linearily and value time, this program is simply terrific.
> It is extremely fast and doesn't pork out the RAM of your computer. In
> fact, 6.0 is either 64-bit or 32-bit. Oh, and it takes advantage of
> multi-core processsors. No complaints here with the old version,
> that's for sure. Also, for those who suffer from the Adobe 8-bit
> curse, the imaging engine is entirely 16-bit.
> As an Olympus user, you know that I'm a fan of the underdog. Well,
> DL-C/PWP is definitely an underdog, but for those of us who have
> adapted our editing lifestyles to the this chosen editor "religion",
> we are usually true believers.
> AG
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: