In your case I suspect it's the rare pheromones you've been buying under the
counter in Taiwan.
But for the younger players, I think it's a factor. It's what I call the 'poet
syndrome'. You always used to be able to 'pull' with the comment that 'I write
poetry' for all sorts of reasons. Of course, it helped if you actually did
knock out a few verses of reasonably quality that demonstrated you were a deep
thinker with a passionate side. An cute, old rangefinder says something similar
- 'I'm different - I still shoot film because I'm an ARTIST!'
Of course, all this pales against the real and simple attractant - a puppy.
Nothing works as well.
Andrew Fildes
On 20/12/2011, at 5:51 AM, Nathan Wajsman wrote:
> In your review of the LTM Leica (no. 4) you neglected to mention its main
> benefit. It is a babe magnet supreme. If you show up at a party with one of
> those around your neck, attractive women will fling themselves at you. I
> speak from experience.
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: