John Hudson said
Subject: Re: [OM] Denizens of O'Hare
To: Olympus Camera Discussion [1]<olympus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Message-ID: <C1BAD7E4E98940C3A66A4C1EE08EDC12@hudson>
Content-Type: text/plain; CHARSET=US-ASCII; format=flowed;
The rules about taking photos in US airports must be different from those in
Canada. Here, I think it is prohibited or at least invites the RCMP to frog
march one off the premises with a do not return notice.
As for the UK, try doing it in airports and railway stations and one risks
arrest and prosecution.
I am with Chris Barker on this. I have never had trouble with a camera in a UK
or European airport, or on my rare visits to the USA. But I have never been to
Canada, so I am duly warned and will try to remember that their staff might beha
ve like those reputed to act for Greek airports with close military links. Per
haps I would have been in trouble in Italy if I had used a camera on the apron a
t Naples this year instead of in the terminal buildings.
Brian Gray
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Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: