Hmmm. I thought the battery would disconnect itself internally if it
overheated. Apparently it's feeding back to the charger that it's
overheating and to stop the charging. I've never paid much attention to
the battery contacts but note that the Canon battery has 4 of them.
Chuck Norcutt
On 11/18/2011 3:17 PM, Piers Hemy wrote:
> There's more to it than just capacity, Chuck. The BLM-01 have + -
> and T connections, the T being a temperature sensor to cut the
> charging if the battery gets too warm (although that may not be the
> primary measure of charging). The BLM-05 have in addition an S
> connection. I don't know what it does. Paging Tim Hughes!
> Piers
> -----Original Message----- From: Chuck Norcutt
> [mailto:chucknorcutt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] Sent: 18 November 2011 16:38
> To: Olympus Camera Discussion Subject: Re: [OM] {OM} BLM1 Battery
> Caution
> I think we need Tim's advice but I would bet that the old charger
> would charge the BLM-5 (the contacts and voltage are the same) but it
> might not get the BLM-5 to full capacity. The BLM-1 is 1500 mAh, the
> BLM-5 is 1620 mAh. The charger has to have intelligence to shut
> itself off when charging is complete. Failure to do so is a
> potential hazard for the battery, possible fire or explosion due to
> overheating I think. I don't know how the shut-off mechanism works,
> whether voltage or ???
> Chuck Norcutt
> On 11/18/2011 11:01 AM, Jim Nichols wrote:
>> How would I know that a third party charger would be any better
>> than the two older Olympus chargers that I already have? Without
>> detailed specs, such a purchase would be a gamble.
>> Jim Nichols Tullahoma, TN USA ----- Original Message ----- From:
>> "Frank Wijsmuller"<wijsmuller@xxxxxxxxx> To: "Olympus Camera
>> Discussion"<olympus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Sent: Friday, November 18,
>> 2011 2:30 AM Subject: Re: [OM] {OM} BLM1 Battery Caution
>>> Why not buy a third party charger? Can be had for $15/ €10..
>>> Best, Frank
>>> 2011/11/18 Jim Nichols
>>>> Thanks, Chuck. At least there is a way out of the dead
>>>> battery problem, but it will cost another 100 bucks.
>>> --
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