Glad to hear you've finally found one, John.
Chuck Norcutt
On 11/15/2011 2:33 PM, John Hudson wrote:
> A month or three ago I put out feelers on the list about finding a copy of
> Real World's 2nd edition of "Color Management" by Bruce Fraser, Chris Murphy
> and Fred Bunting. A search at highlighted a few used copies
> ranging in price from low three figures to low four figures.
> A very kind list member scoured his nearby used book shop and secured a copy
> for $5.00 and postage .............the book is unmarked, uncreased and as
> good as new.
> Who said that Fangs are limited to photo hardwares :-) The listee knows who
> he is ....... a million thank yous. Payment plus is on its way c/o Canada
> Post and the USPS.
> jh
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: