Thanks, John and Chris
That's also a T-Bird, and you can see that it's heavy. It has to get up above
400kts (I think) before it can rotate safely and zot up (technical term . . .)
But that's the classic Lightning planform.
And more modern aircraft, like F16 and Typhoon have their pretty features as
well, of course.
On 5 Nov 2011, at 15:11, JOHN DUGGAN wrote:
> Thanks Chris,
> A show of immense power (and fuel consumption no doubt)
> My 'new replacement' Mac seems to be refusing to play
> nicely with my magic Mouse...very strange.....and refused to paste the link.
> Looking at You tube vids of the lightning shows the overwing tanks.
> I also messed up the link.....should have been...."English Electric
> Lightening Take Off"
> Regards
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