On 10/27/2011 7:53 AM, Bob Whitmire wrote:
> ...
> On a more somber note, my wife, en route to work, just called to say there
> was icy stuff hitting her windshield. Snow in the forecast for tonight.
We just got out of Maine in time, fleeing down 302 and the Pike. :-)
It can't seem to make up its mind here in Brookline, rain and slushy snow
alternating, but supposed to be sunny tomorrow
and close to 50F, so we may be safe.
We're hoping for decent weather at least during the day Sat. and Sun. Carol and
her two sisters will all be in the same
place at the same time for the first time in years, but it will involve some
driving about for me and we would like to
go for an outing in Boston Sunday.
Still Travelin' Moose
What if the Hokey Pokey *IS* what it's all about?
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