That's interesting, CH. As I mentioned in a recent post, more pixels means
more space needed for storage, long-term and short-, for little or no
difference in output.
I'm sure that Ken has counted the pixels that he needs, however, and will be
able to use them. It is quite amazing to consider that from the sensor and
camera of that size.
I did notice, though, that the NEX-7 has a lower ISO limit than I expected.
On 22 Oct 2011, at 08:00, C.H.Ling wrote:
> Canyon is going back to 18MP with their new flagship, Pana also switching
> back to 12MP from 14MP for their FZ series. They realized to increase the
> pixel quality (better d-range and high ISO performance) is more important
> than increase the number of MP.
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: