Is having a 20+ megapixel camera something in the same vein as having a 60"
plasma HD television?
Think .....Piers Morgan will just have a bigger head on the screen compared
to what's seen on your last generation 27" Sony Trinitron but the
intellectual content of his output will not have been advanced one whit.
Where is the advantage in investing in 20+ megapixels ?
----- Original Message -----
From: "Ken Norton" <ken@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "Olympus Camera Discussion" <olympus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Friday, October 21, 2011 8:38 PM
Subject: [OM] Time to move on? Flood delay.
> Well, it looks like when things settle over the next several months that
> the
> Schnozz will be shedding the existing digital gear and getting a new
> digital
> back for the OM lenses.
> After careful consideration of my preferred shooting style and ergonomic
> needs, the Sony NEX-7 will most likely end up in my camera bag. I'm done
> with Olympus (digital) and am just going to leap full ahead into the world
> of mega-megapixels. I like the formfactor and the small body will be a
> nice
> match to the OM bodies. Just need to get the OM-NEX adaptor.
> The funny thing to all this is that the Minolta A1 will still be kept
> around
> as it shares flash technology. I'll get a flash or two as I go along.
> It's been a good ride with the E-1, but I want a larger sensor
> (unfortunately not FF, but not 4/3 either) and far more pixels than
> Olympus
> thinks I want. I don't buy cameras very often and my next one won't be 6
> year old sensor technology.
> But, most importantly, the shape and size of the camera is critical. I'm
> returning to left-handed shooting style and the NEX bodies fit this well.
> Oh, and that EVF rocks. I like EVF and that peaking focus assistance will
> be
> great with the legacy lenses.
> I've been waiting for two things. A 20+ megapixel sensor and compact
> formfactor with EVF. Oh, and disposable income...
> AG
> --
> Ken Norton
> ken@xxxxxxxxxxx
> --
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