She is a very talented aspiring actress with some work to her credit
already. Her agent asked for new head shots, with specific rules. I did
her head shots last year, and on casting calls with MGM and Disney, her
images were held out as examples of what they want head shots to be.
(Which made me feel good, of course, but more importantly it helped me
know what they expected for future sessions of this type). Retouching
for blemishes only, and removal of distracting elements (fold in the
backdrop). I have had an agent ask for the RAW files only. They know
what wonders can be done with editing and they have staff and equipment
the likes of which I will never see, they really only want to know what
she truly looks like. I apologize for not explaining further.
Thank you for your reply on the hot spot issue, I will check what you
have written about and reply, probably tomorrow. Thank you for taking
the time to help me. :-)
On 9/23/2011 3:47 PM, Chuck Norcutt wrote:
> Understood. " per the rules of her contract with her agent" is an
> interesting statement. What's that about?
> Chuck Norcutt
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