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Re: [OM] Question--high mag stacking project for OM

Subject: Re: [OM] Question--high mag stacking project for OM
From: Chuck Norcutt <chucknorcutt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 15 Jul 2011 05:52:04 -0400
But in the light of day and after the first cup of coffee and upon 
re-reading Mike's original note Dr. Flash notices that Mike said:
"Plan to use cross polarization flash..."

In other words, there are two flashes, they're already off the camera 
and they aren't moving even though the camera might be.  As to my 
original response I say:  Never mind... well, almost.  The fact that the 
flashes are not moving minimizes the chance of TTL flash exposure 
variation from frame to frame.  However, it still leaves the chance that 
the (now much more likely) constant exposure is still in error.  After 
all, a TTL flash measurement is still a reflected light meter 
measurement which is only ever correct when reflected from a gray card. 
But, if the error is not large, it can be easily corrected in post after 
all the (constant) exposures are combined in the stacking.

Dr. Flash

On 7/15/2011 12:26 AM, Moose wrote:
> On 7/14/2011 9:02 PM, Chuck Norcutt wrote:
>> Dr. Flash predicts that your trouble point may be TTL flash which will
>> allow minor exposure variations throughout.  That'll give the stacking
>> software some headaches as it tries to do frame to frame calculations.
> I rather thought Dr. Flash might say that.
> Moose
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