JK writes:
--I probably missed something but aren't flash bulbs slower to reach
--output than an electronic flash ... different settings on the camera
--vs fb? I guess I've always just assumed they burned longer too.
See below, the FP bulbs have a nice long plateau when they burn. The
OM2 has an FP setting that fires the FB ?10msec or so prior to
first curtain though X synch will work with a slow shutter speed. I
have a neat dookicky from John that locks it in place
so I don't have anymore untoward foul ups from the switch becoming
inadvertently altered.
I see replacing these monster FB's cost a pretty penny.
It is promising that Dr. Flash thinks it may work in TTL auto. The GN
does vary with the reflector and shutter speed and I will fire 2 to
three but only really
need to be sure I don't overexpose by much. I will set it up on a
tripod per the previous diagram from JK. He should look NE Mon PM and
may perhaps spot
the ignition.
Retina Roaster, Mike
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