CN writes:
Before investing in the 2X close-up lens for the 80mm macro (focal
length = 170mm) you might try a reversed 200mm f/4 mounted on the 80mm
with a reversing ring or some other prime in the range that might give
you suitable magnification.
Interesting approach---I did not consider that that option. I
recalled reading how to achieve various mags with lens reversal from
Dr. Macro's
(John Shaw) first book. Seems the Mag with lens reversal = FL prime/
FL reversed lens. which is really the same as the formula for the
diopters (as it should be) so if the diopter works the reversed lens
should and achieve the same mag. JS says the best prime he found that
works for the primary lens is a 200mm
so a 100mm in front would be 2X. I don't know why he didn't like
reversing a longer lens in front of a shorter one, but he implied that
was not as good.
I have one reversing ring somewhere and I think I paid 5 bucks or so.
In his more recent book, JS IIRC barely mentions lens reversal.
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: