No one noticed my error where I said: "...Olympus DSLR flash units
on Canon cables since the Canon has 5 contacts vs Olympus's three." For
Olympus DSLR flash units that should read four contacts rather than
three. But it doesn't really matter. Since the Oly flashes have fewer
contacts you can't use a Canon flash on an Oly cable even if the
existing contacts line-up properly. But the reverse is OK.
I should have asked Dr. Flash to proof read my response.
Chuck Norcutt
On 3/22/2011 12:24 PM, Piers Hemy wrote:
> Over here, at least, that Nissin cord is the same price (+/-) as the Canon
> original. Thus my post about the Lastolite which is available in Europe for
> somewhat less than the originals. But without the second shoe.
> I confirm that we have in the past discussed only the Canon cord, not the
> Nikon, for use on Olympus.
> Piers
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Chuck Norcutt [mailto:chucknorcutt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
> Sent: 22 March 2011 11:41
> To: Olympus Camera Discussion
> Subject: Re: [OM] T-32 in EOS dslr
> Maybe. Discussion here in the past has mentioned Olympus DSLR flash units
> on Canon cables since the Canon has 5 contacts vs Olympus's three.
> I suspect they all line up well enough to work since there's only so much
> real estate available to place the contacts.
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