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Re: [OM] Dreamweaver

Subject: Re: [OM] Dreamweaver
From: Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 07 Jan 2011 10:47:19 -0800
On 1/7/2011 10:19 AM, John Hermanson wrote:
> Thanks to everyone who had input on this.  I'm not much for writing code so 
> will have to look into this thoroughly.

Perhaps you should let us know in a general sense what you are planning to do.

For your business web site, one of the largely GUI driven CMS systems could be 
a good choice. For an image gallery, they 
seem to me to be overly complex for the task at hand.

When I was developing Windoze apps, I used a GUI development system to start 
out. That got a first pass up and running 
in FAR, FAR less time that coding from scratch. The GUI then generated 
programming code, which I  would end up modifying 
quite a lot, much of that being deletion of parts I didn't need.

My experience, extensive in that system, limited with PHP, is that it is MUCH 
easier to modify nice, trouble free system 
generated code to do what I want than to start from scratch.

So, for example, although Silverstripe looks interesting, it has a limited 
number of add-ins as yet, so one is likely to 
need to do at least some coding from scratch and including it in the project. 
Probably not what you want. :-)

Drupal looks better in the number and choice of modules in existence. On the 
other hand, it looks like the learning 
curve might permanently warp my brain.

I know nothing about Dreamweaver or others. Just some random opinions from 
someone who has been a programmer, doesn't 
want to become one again in whole new languages in order to do something 
limited, and who has noodled around looking at 
a few alternatives.

At the moment, the world is awash with un and underemployed folks with web 
building skills. Might hiring someone to do 
it be worthwhile? Save time and brain cramps. :-)

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