You've got my vote.
And my help, if you can use a computer illiterate.
On Tue, Dec 28, 2010 at 10:20 AM, Ken Norton <ken@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Agreed, Rick.
> My point is several fold:
> 1. It's been a number of years going on. Just maybe another software
> method might be more feasable now. After all, we have to reevaluate
> other things in our lives once in a while. Along with that, due to the
> dropping participation rate, it might be time to reinvent it to better
> match our changing needs.
> 2. Committee. It may be beneficial for several of us to share the
> responsibility. Every year add and drop people from the task. If two
> or three of us are sharing the responsibility, then when a job or home
> situation comes up, there is no loss of continuity.
> 3. Common hosting environment. It really is my desire for ZX to be the
> generic home place for some things olympus. We can put the means in
> place for its continuance in my eventual absence.
> 4. In regards to ZX, there is no reason why we can't build the entire
> TOPE thing in Gallery 2 or 3. That way we can break from the harsh
> realities of the online magazine format of the site.
> 5. The additional exposure on ZX would increase participation as there
> are thousands of Olympus users who visit the site that aren't members
> of this list.
> AG
> --
> Ken Norton
> ken@xxxxxxxxxxx
> --
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