Hmm, I've always said that the GF1's exposure is pretty good, especially in low
light or with its flash; it's great for the student parties.
The exposure compensation on the GF1 is accessed with the thumbwheel: click it
to switch from aperture/speed control (depending on the mode selected) to
compensation, both values viewed on the bottom of the screen; each changes
colour to indicate that it is being controlled.
On 18 Dec 2010, at 11:49, Andrew Fildes wrote:
> My first is that the fish is sharp but the 14mm not so much. But I'm having
> the same problem as I had with the GF1 - exposure all over the place and
> copes VERY badly with back light. I'll have to experiment with exposure
> target settings but I cannot find any exposure compensation control anywhere!
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: