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Re: [OM] blue skies plug-in

Subject: Re: [OM] blue skies plug-in
From: Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 03 Dec 2010 02:14:11 -0800
On 12/1/2010 10:24 PM, Chris Barker wrote:
> I've found that, Moose.  I rather prefer the effect that I can get with a 
> little adjustment of exposure and levels, provided that the highlights are 
> manageable.  But HDR will allow you to recover the highlights with a second 
> or third exposure, taken at the same time.

True enough. Understand, I have HDR capability. I just don't think it's all 
that useful. To really do it right, one 
needs both subject and camera that don't move for long enough to bracket 

And to me, you've got it backwards. I shoot for the highlights and 'recover' 
the shadows.

Might you still be in that place where the midtones need to be in the correct 
place as the shot is chimped? "It ain't 
necessarily so." It's not a really 'bad' place, but limits one's options for 
high DR subjects.

Bright Shadow Moose
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