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Re: [OM] blue skies plug-in

Subject: Re: [OM] blue skies plug-in
From: Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 02 Dec 2010 13:56:09 -0800
On 12/2/2010 6:16 AM, SwissPace wrote:
> ...
> I am already shooting at -1.33 EV  but maybe I have to dial in even more as I 
> am mainly using the OM 35-80/2.8 which may be affecting the metering.

It certainly doesn't look like you shot it over one stop down. Proper exposure 
with MF lenses on the two Canon's I have 
is tricky. I have to chimp the histogram and normal exposure often requires 
going to manual mode to get more than -2 EV 
of adjustment.

Worse than that, it may require different adjustment at different focal lengths 
with a zoom,, as well as varying with 
f-stop. It may have to do with the angle at which the light is going when 
reflected up to the light sensors. I recently 
used a 600/8 mirror lens on the 5D that required more than 2 EV compensation.

For anything other than something specialized like that, I'm just not willing 
to do all hat fussing with manual focus, 
manual aperture and getting the exposure right. It's too much fuss, and gets in 
the way of capturing the moment. By 
using a MF zoom, you are buying complexity and really need to pay attention to 
lots of things to get the good exposure 

> Re the photoshop layers, thanks for that information, I understand the theory 
> but it is the putting into practice that I struggle with ;-)

I felt much as you do when I first started working seriously with PS. When I 
finally got myself to deal with those 
weird, mysterious layers, I found that the long, painful, steep learning curve 
I'd envisioned was steep for a minute or 
two, but very short.

After that, it was magic. By doing everything in layers, I could, in effect, go 
back to a step I'd done before without 
wiping out everything since by stepping back.

Everything I do regularly is set up in an Action (Macro). If I want to adjust 
brightness/contrast, the action copies the 
current layer, renames it to reflect what I'm doing, and opens the 
Brightness/Contrast tool. The same with LCE, Curves, 
PTLens, Shadow/Highlight, and so on. I actually very seldom manually create a 
new layer.

Action Moose
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