Praktica has a register distance of 44.4 while M42 has 45.46. The thickness
of what you remove from the lens would have to be 45.46 - 44.4 = 1.06 mm
thinner than what you add back on to maintain infinity focus.
Also, your m42 mount camera might have limitations on how far the back of
the lens can extend into the camera. If the Practica lens has an auto
diaphragm you would probably have to use manual stop down.
Jeff Keller
-----Original Message-----
From: AS [mailto:alizookoman@xxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Sunday, November 28, 2010 7:22 AM
To: Olympus Camera Discussion
Subject: [OM] Changing lens mount
I want to try changing lens mounts. Is this as easy as removing the old
mount and popping in the 'new' mount? Instead of screwing in the new mount I
am thinking of using some type of glue. The lens mount is PB mount right
now and I want to convert to M42 mount.
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: