Ah, but you can turn a book sideways! :-)
I did a proof first and it works quite well.
The corrections i needed to do were related to providing more space in the
spine - I had images too close in.
Blurb provides a free program called Booksmart which works very well. The only
thing it doesn't seem to do is turn text sideways. You prepare your book
offline and take your time and then upload it. There's no provision to correct
it on-line that I could find - you have to upload the entire corrected version
and delete the first attempt but it doesn't take too long.
They also print text only books and compete with Lulu.
They also now have a simplified version called Bookify for people who are
preparing family albums, I suspect.
Andrew Fildes
On 15/11/2010, at 4:38 AM, Jan Steinman wrote:
> Ditto. I was a bit jarring and put a kink in my neck.
> I think they should have been printed in the proper portrait orientation,
> perhaps two to a page, or even with some filler text. (Everyone "reads"
> Playboy for the fine writing, right? :-)
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