Got to get me one of those. I had a moonrise shot planned last night, problem
was, I used a paper map and memory from the night before, shifted location
about five miles, and wound up a good 45 horizontal degrees off the rising
moon, which made the whole effort worthless 'cause it wasn't coming up where I
wanted it. Oh, well, if it garners a chuckle or two . . .
--Bob Whitmire
The Human Compass
On Oct 23, 2010, at 5:05 PM, Ken Norton wrote:
>> Wow! Very nice! And I'll bet some folks would be willing to buy an
>> iPad just to get that clinometer. Is it really accurate to 0.1 degree?
> Thanks, Chuck. Unfortunately wind-vibration makes that particular
> image limited to how big I can go with it, but it does look pretty
> good in smaller sizes.
> All programs referenced in that article are available in iPad, iPhone
> and iPod Touch versions. You do not need to carry around the big
> beast.
> Accuracy? Well, here's the deal. You can calibrate the device. 0.1
> degree? The granularity of the display is 0.1 degree and since it does
> allow for calibration I will say that it's accurate to it. Personally,
> if I'm within a degree I'm happy. The compass, on the other hand, is
> a beast to calibrate and keep accurate. Use your handheld Garmin for
> that.
> Now that I've had the iPad for a while, and have spent quality time
> with the iPod Touch, here is my recommendation: Get the iPod Touch and
> for more serious portable computing, the Lenovo Thinkpad x100e. This
> is probably the best combination available right now. iPhone? Well,
> maybe. But the iPod Touch offers the independance from the AT&T
> network which makes it viable for a longer period of time. Instead of
> an all-in-one communications device that soaks the battery just by
> looking crosseyed at it, a photographer can use the iPod Touch as a
> tool, a photographic "appliance" if you will.
> I'm a longtime PalmPilot user. I love that platform, but
> unfortunately, app development is toast. The iPod Touch is pretty much
> the PalmPilot for today's apps. My cellphone is a Palm Centro which
> runs all the old Palm apps, and with the exception of the different
> human interface, it does much of what the iPhone does, but I fear that
> I've bought my last Palm device--ever. All that fancy dancy this goes
> to that interlinking the Steve Jobs demo'd? Yeah right. Nice in
> theory, but the iThingies are single-threaded and the apps don't work
> together.
> AG
> --
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