Hi Chuck,
Well, minutes after having sent my "gear e-mail" today, we went out
and I was out for a long time, during which I had checked my e-mail
from the iPhone. I read your e-mail, and your idea is brilliant for a
rough test!
In the eventual shooting sessions I don't want to have the added
weight of the T32 on top of the camera, but I was very desperate for a
quick test; Giuliana was up until late and it wasn't until some 30
minutes ago that I had a few minutes time to do a quick test, during
which I was pestered to turn the lights in the attic off, as Giuliana
couldn't sleep because of them.
To cut to the chase: I managed to take 2 shots: one in Manual mode
(completely white, blown out) and in in 'Auto' mode, just for the heck
of it. That one gave a very pleasing end result already!
Earlier during the day I had a think about what the proper framing of
paper/sheets could be, such that I wouldn't have to pay a lot, nor
spend much time (which I don't have) on making frames, etc.
I went to a big outlet store over here, to see what frames they had. I
saw several picture frames, but.. I also saw something I knew we had
something of at home: blank canvas for painting. At home we have a
40x60cm one, and a smaller one. One side (i.e. the back) is brownish,
but the front is white and somewhat translucent. These canvases are
already attached to a frame and can handily be set up, without further
ado. I set up the T20s behind them at some distance; one at some 10-15
cms, the other at some 25 cm. Then I set it off from the camera-
mounted T32 (without setting the white balance, etc.).
As mentioned, this seems to work well, and already the untweaked
picture taken in Auto mode looks very pleasing. The side where the
flash was close to the canvas showd a 'bar' of flashlight reflection,
but the other side looks much more diffuse. I'm quite positive I'm on
the right track here!
Some questions (I know, I can RTFM most of it, but if you know off-
hand, that would help):
1-What should be the position of the panel on the back of the T20s?
"Auto OM-2" or manual, setting it to a specific ASA setting? Or
doesn't it matter when manually setting them off?
2-How do I set the camera correctly? Switch on the top goes to 'M',
but what should the other settings be? i.e. where do I configure the
flash sync speed to 1/180th, etc.?
3-How is the WB set properly? Put the camera in the mode you mentioned
previously, and then take a picture of a white paper, using the very
same flash set-up and triggering as during the real pictures, or
should another trick be performed for that?
Cheers and thanks again,
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