This is a quick report on my first outing with Massachusetts chapter
of NABA (North American Butterfly Assoc) at Appleton Farms. The
weather turned out OK and we saw 21 species of butterflies – not bad
for 2.5 hours. The
species and numbers follow:
Black Swallowtail - 11
Eastern Tiger Swallowtail - 1
Cabbage White - 22
Clouded Sulphur - 8
Orange Sulphur - 3
Am. Copper - 1
Eastern Tailed-blue - 1
Great Spangled Fritillary - 1
Silver-bordered Fritillary - 2
Pearl Crescent - 100 estimate only, species was abundant!
Eastern Comma - 1
Lady Spp. - 1
Red Admiral - 2
Viceroy - 2
Common Ringlet - 12
Common Wood-nymph - 12
Monarch - 6 plus eggs
Least Skipper - 12
Peck's Skipper - 20
Northern Broken-dash - 1
Dun Skipper - 2 (first eastern tailed blue I ever
OM5DMk11 Viv s1 90-180 macro in OM mount at bout F5.6 (thanks Jeff!!!)
Raw processed in DXO followed by a bit of LCE in PS (no converter in
my ver of ACR)
Marnie said I should try and clone out the brown in the grass.
It's all Dean's fault for apprising me of the existence of this
organization. ;-) The light was quite variable / overcast.
Next outing in search of the elusive Bronze Copper a proper body--
OM4Ti with 100 Ektar was used---still not processed. Report to follow.
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: