I've had to deal with syncing databases between a couple computers since
before XP. Microsoft has had built in time synchronization which can be
configured by the user since XP Pro (default is once per week).
I noticed back with XP that the freeware time synch apps were no longer
updated. An internet search lead to how to change windows settings. ...
with Win7: control panel, system and security, administrative tools, task
scheduler, drill down through the library to get to time sync, then
properties. Previously I changed the time server but I didn't see any
advantage (perhaps US results only) so haven't even tried that with Win7.
US time servers may block you if you do it multiple times per day ... don't
how they identify the computer asking for the time update.
Jeff Keller
-----Original Message-----
From: manuel viet [mailto:manuel@xxxxxxxxxx]
Subject: Re: [OM] Linux/PhotoShop question
> Ok, so far so good: but I've found a couple of issues I couldn't solve
> They're well known issues it seems. So much that they seem solved:
> 1- Time / date settings from a time server, under Windows. It seems to
> be possible to write a .reg that makes windows sync just like Unix
> systems do (MacOS X, every Linux distribution and Unix). I did so, but
> time would jump towards GMT at random, but not too frequently.
> 2- There is an annoying Energy administration which affects Ubuntu: if
> the machine goes into 'Sleep' mode you will have to turn it On (not
> Restart). And, if it goes into Sleep or Hibernation while running XP,
> you can wake it up easily but you will gind yourself at GMT (UTC ?)
Windows is brain dead when it comes to dealing with time. Just ignore and
configure your system to fetch time from a ntp server.
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