Dear Ken,
I fully agree with you. I remember reading this news and I think
they have realized they cannot manufacture professional bodies as they
aren´t profitable at all. Fourthirds sensor needs a very advanced technology
to get the same results of an APS-C sensor and full-frame sensor. It seems
to be OK for amateur users and that´s why FF will disappear. I still can
remember when E-1 was launched. I was so excited with the FT concept. I
really enjoyed with E-1 too much. Olympus is a great company, it has really
smart engineers but no one is able to manufacture sensors for them at a
reasonable price.
I am also really disappointed. I feel really bad with all this. I have being
using my E-1 since 2003. One month ago I bought an E-P1, it´s a nice camera
but I have quickly realized that dynamic range is under KODAK KAF-5101
sensor. This is the main drawback of FT.
2010/9/16 Ken Norton <ken@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> Khen wrote about Olympus making two major misteps with FourThirds.
> This third one is a full-blown face-plant.
> Leica recovered from the M8's IR fiasco. Apple is recovering from
> Antenna-Gate. Olympus probably won't from this. This mistep is a
> public-relations disaster second only to BP's mishandling of the gulf
> oil well blowout.
> It's sad to say this, but Olympus will become a study point for MBA
> students around the world.
> On a personal note, I am greatly saddened by all this. As you know,
> I've been a loyal Olympus "fanboy" to a fault. I have no intentions of
> ever giving up on the OM gear, that's for sure, but as far as anything
> digital? When it comes time for me to buy my next camera(s), they'll
> be compatible with my OM Zuikos, but the brandname won't say Olympus.
> I've been abandoned twice. m43? Not a chance. I won't be abandoned by
> this company again. Once converted to Brand-X (I think it's pretty
> easy to figure out which one that is going to be), there is no turning
> back.
> AG
> --
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