OK, thank you - I will, for sure.
I wish that my English would be up to the task of writing a short
answer underlining the huge gap between the weakness of validity in
Medicine when compared to other fields of knowledge.
2010/8/27 Chuck Norcutt <chucknorcutt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
> You shouldn't have left me such a wide opening. I invite you to read
> starting here
> <http://thincs.org/>
> With a prestigious list of members here
> <http://thincs.org/members.htm>
> and especially this guy
> <http://www.ravnskov.nu/uffe.htm>
> and a bit of human biochemistry and statistics here
> <http://thincs.org/Malcolm.choltheory.htm>
> Or, for a little light reading try these two papers:
> Krumholz HM, Seeman TE, Merrill SS, et al. Lack of association between
> cholesterol and coronary heart disease mortality and morbidity and
> all-cause mortality in persons older than 70 years. JAMA 1994;272:1335-1340.
> Schatz IJ, Masaki K, Yano K, Chen R, Rodriguez BL, Curb JD. Cholesterol
> and all-cause-mortality in elderly people from the Honolulu Heart
> Program: a cohort study. Lancet 2001; 358: 351-55
> In a nutshell, folks older than 70 (and actually, much less than that)
> live longer the higher their cholesterol. Why is that when heart
> disease is a disease of the elderly?
> Chuck Norcutt (the denier)
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