Crab Spiders are really cool. They sit inside flowers and most of them can
actually change color and sometimes even pattern to match the look of the
flower upon which it is sitting at the moment. Instead of catching bugs in a
sticky web, the Crab Spider sits in the flower and waits for an insect to
visit the flower. Bees and lots of other bugs like to come to flowers for
nectar or pollen, and when one comes in, the spider, hidden by his new
color, attacks!
I've seen lots of photos of them in books about spiders, but have only seen
one in real life. I had just assumed they don't live in the area I do, until
2 yrs ago I saw one on a flower in my grandmother's backyard.
Chris Crawford
Fine Art Photography
Fort Wayne, Indiana
260-424-0897 My portfolio My latest work!
On 8/16/10 12:22 PM, "Chuck Norcutt" <chucknorcutt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Pretty. I don't think I'm familiar with this species.
> Chuck Norcutt
> Jim Nichols wrote:
>> As I watched the PGA Championship finals today, my wife pointed out
>> that a spider was working on the back of my recliner. I got up and
>> saw it was a translucent crab spider, not usually found indoors. I
>> had to resort to on-camera flash in order to get enough light to
>> raise the shutter speed. He now resides in my vacuum cleaner.
>> Jim Nichols Tullahoma, TN USA
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: